🚚Free Shipping On Orders Over $39 🌱First Order Save 5% OFF, CODE: OFF5
🚚Free Shipping On Orders Over $39 🌱First Order Save 5% OFF, CODE: OFF5
🪴We are committed to providing our customers with quality, affordable seeds. 🌱
A mix of all of our favorite "petite" wildflowers! This mix is perfect for the gardener that wants all of the color, but less maintenance at the end of the season. Perfect for borders, or anywhere that you don't want to obstruct with towering flowers, the Shorty Low Grow Wildflower Mix is suited for all regions of the country!
Plant Mix Pack Contents: Calendula, Cornflower Tall Blue, Godetia, Plains Coreopsis, California Poppy, Spurred Snapdragon, Baby Blue Eyes, Red Corn Poppy, Red Poppy Shirley, Phlox Annual Red, Catchfly, Johnny Jump Up, Forget Me Not. Mix contents are subject to change.
Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Pollinators, Easy to Grow & Maintain
NAME: Hongkong Xiangkai Trading Co., Limited
ADDRESS: RM 023, 9/F Blk G Kwai Shing Ind Bldg(Stage 2)42-46 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung Nt Hong Kong
EMAIL: Info@gardenerstar.com