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🚚Free Shipping On Orders Over $39 🌱First Order Save 5% OFF, CODE: OFF5
🪴We are committed to providing our customers with quality, affordable seeds. 🌱
🌞Asparagus is one of the earliest of spring-harvested crops. This perennial is easily grown from crowns or roots, and once established will produce tender spears every spring for many years.
This is a vegetable that when picked from the garden and prepared immediately is so far superior from the asparagus purchased from the grocery, you’ll feel like you’ve never had real asparagus before. Asparagus should have a sweet nutty delicate flavor. The longer the time between picking and eating, the sharper the flavor becomes.
🌱Sowing: Soak asparagus seeds overnight to weaken the hard outer layer, then plant 1/4" deep and 2" apart in a temporary nursery bed. Keep the temperature at 70-80 degrees F, and germination should begin in 10-14 days. For direct sowing, plant the seeds after the last frost of spring. For greater garden benefits, plant your perennial asparagus and tomatoes in close proximity; these two greatly benefit each other.
🪴Growing: About 10-12 weeks after planting, transplant the seedlings outdoors. Digging a trench is not necessary; simply place the plants 12" apart in rows 3-4' apart. Sandy, well drained soil, and full sun are ideal. Keep the soil moist, and apply mulch to discourage weeds. Asparagus greatly benefits from regular additions of compost and other organic matter.
🧑🌾Harvesting: Perennial asparagus can be harvested in the second year, but healthier roots develop when serious harvesting begins in the third year. Spears may be harvested as soon as they appear in the spring until early summer; a height of 8" is usually the optimum size. Rather than cutting the spears, bending them until they break gives you only the tender part of the spear. When the weather gets hot, it is best to let the spears fully develop with ferny tops to ensure a healthy crop the next year.
🌟Seed Saving: Though a well established plot of asparagus will last for 20 years or more, the seeds can be saved if necessary. The stalks should be allowed to reach their mature state, when they are tall and fern-like. When the berries of the female plant turn red, pick them and squeeze out the seeds into a container of water; carefully clean off any remaining pulp. Lay the asparagus seeds out to dry for several weeks before storing them. Keep them in a cool, dry place for up to three years.
NAME: Hongkong Xiangkai Trading Co., Limited
ADDRESS: RM 023, 9/F Blk G Kwai Shing Ind Bldg(Stage 2)42-46 Tai Lin Pai Rd Kwai Chung Nt Hong Kong
EMAIL: Info@gardenerstar.com