We love Orion's Belt Hosta in a shady border where its striking appearance can be on full display. Light and bright with large, blue-green leaves that show off white margins and light waves from tip to stem, it perks up darkened spaces and ho-hum places with style and flair. Try it in partly to fully shaded garden spaces, such as wooded sites, shadowy borders, or covered porches and patios. Upon maturity, the rounded leaves present a slight cupping and increased waviness, and the margins turn creamy yellow. Orion's Belt exhibits good slug resistance, too. Midsummer brings pale lavender flowers to the party.
Botanical Name: Hosta 'Orion's Belt'
Form: Perennial
Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Flowering Time:Midsummer.
Light Requirements: Full Sun, Partial Shade
Flower Color: Pale lavender flowers.
Flower Form: Bell shaped flowers
Foliage Type: Blue-green with striking white margin, heart-shaped formed.
Growth Rate: Medium
Height/Habit: 18 inches
Spread: 40 inches
Planting Instructions: Soak roots in cold to lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots without bending them. Firm soil around roots and water in well.
Soil Requirements: Tolerant of a width range of soils, but best in well drained.
Will Tolerate:Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
Pruning: Remove spent flower stems to tidy up the plants for the rest of the growing season.
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